Thursday, November 19, 2009

My First Blog! Exciting!

Hey guys this is my very first post! You might know me from youtube or then again you might no for I have not posted any reviews in a while and my channel is out of date and I don't have a camera that films well so I do my vids in a slideshow sort of thing. phew, the list could go on and on and on but for now I will seriously stop and say welcome. Even though guys I don't have much info, trust my word, seriously do trust it and follow. Just because my blog will be awesome, and I might be saying that with a slight hint of sarcasm because I can get busy at times :) So anyways this is just a great place to rant about my reviews, books and all kinds of stuff which doesn't really matter in life! I'm just kidding! lol Anyways in other short words: Welcome to my blog!